[Pro] Super Clock & Weather

by Us Droid


1.99 usd

Super Clock Widget With Weather

Features:1. 3x3 and 2x2 widget.2. Teal Theme.3. Digital Clock / Calendar / Battery / Weather Information / Timezone / Alarm Clock.4. Shortcut to Alarm, Calendar, Battery Consumption and Weather Details.5. Battery will be colored automatically to blue / orange / redWeather Features:1. Metric (Celsius) / Imperial (Fahrenheit) unit2. Follow Location3. Auto Refresh4. 5 Day Forecast Weather Data5. Weather Details such as Wind, Pressure, Sunrise, Sunset, Timezone, etcFull Version:1. Barbie, Blood, Cheese, Grape, Grass, Pumpkin, Sky, Snow and Teal Theme2. Black, Carbon, Hexagon, Steel and Transparent Background.3. Standard, Classic, Military and even None Clock Dial.4. Extra Weather Icon Sets.Enjoy ~ Us Droid

Read trusted reviews from application customers

This is on every device I own. It saves me time and trouble. PLEASE HELP ME! I placed the 2" Clock Pro but it will not stay on the screen. I , must have this clock working Ixx@fl even got you a cup of coffee!

Roberta Patton

Was great... what happened to locaton and weather settings. Does not work. Continues to have issues when device/clock is shut down it does not refresh the local weather. A manual reset must be done each time! Very irritating!

Great Scott

All I get past month is clock hands.

daniela zaluda


Walt Johnson

Nice and usful clock. Not working for me in android 12 :(

Mati Lamed

Update resolved the issue. Thanks

Syed Younus

They fixed it, now works great

Rod Hooper

Had an issue with the refresh data. Was fixed by uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Been using it for over 7 years and I'm still very happy with it. Highly recommend... πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ’–

Giddon Ben-Dov

I've been messing around with this and I do like it. It could use some minor tweeks

Dex Caliber

I've always liked this app, but recently having some issues with it. Currently having problems linking the "next alarm" circle to anything, but more preferred, my selected alarm clock. Would love to change to a 5β˜†

Trey Miller